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Good morning,
    I have spent the last four weeks monitoring the list and wishing I
could join all the fun but had graduate school work to do.  Friday,  I
finished all my assignments and headed out the the mountains, wetland,
etc. to take in nature's wonders.  Sunday I visited at Occoneeche
Mountain.  I got a lifer, a black-throated green warbler.  Also spotted
a fox, which was a great thrill for me.  Then, spent Monday evening at
the wetlands area on Big Woods Road.  Red-winged blackbird, Red-headed
Woodpecker, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Chimney Swifts, Tree Swallow,
Grackles, Canada Geese and female American Redstart were among those who
decided to allow for a viewing.  I enjoy this spot, the resident beaver
are an added bonus that never disappoint.

Good day and good birding to all of you,  Melissa R. Conley-Spencer