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Request: Henslow's Sparrows, etc.?

Carolina Birders,

We will be traveling in North and South Carolina at the end of the
month.  We'll be in Myrtle Beach May 29-30th.  Then driving from
Raleigh to Manteo May 31-June 1.  Then a pelagic on June 2.  Then
driving to Buxton on June 3 for another pelagic the next day, then
driving back to Raleigh June 5.

We have Fussell's book on birding the coast, but were hoping for
suggestions on places to bird between Raleigh and Manteo and the way
back.  I am particularly interested in looking for Henslow's Sparrows,
but other birds of interest include Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Bachman's
Sparrow and Salt-marsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow.

Otherwise, any general tips on good places to bird in the area at that
time would be greatly appreciated.  Please reply directly to me as we
are not subscribers to CarolinaBirds.

Thanks in advance.

Joseph Morlan, Pacifica, CA 94044: mailto:jmorlan@ccsf.cc.ca.us 
Fall Birding Classes begin Sept 5: http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/~jmorlan/
California Bird Records Committee: http://www.wfo-cbrc.org/cbrc/