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New Road & Conway Sewage Ponds, SC

Hi Carolinabirders,

 This morning for an hour and a half I was able to bird along New Road and
the Conway Sewage Ponds in Conway, Horry County SC. 28 species were id'd.
1. Great Egret-2
2. Snowy Egret-3
3. Green Heron-2
4. WOOD STORK-2 Both flew from the direction of a small Great Egret rookery
just south of the sewage ponds in the Waccamaw River marshes. Could they be
nesting there?
5. Canada Goose-4 feral birds
6. Red-shouldered Hawk-1 missing (molting) the inner flight feathers
7. Killdeer-3
8. peep sp-1 not a least sandpiper, either western or semipal
9. Least Tern-4 more than seven miles from the beach.  Could they be
nesting on the roof at Coastal Mall?
10. Red-headed Woodpecker-1
11. Great Crested Flycatcher-2
12. N. Rough-winged Swallow-4 
13. Barn Swallow-1
14. Blue Jay-5
15. Fish Crow-1
    Crow sp-4
16. Carolina Chickadee-4
17. Tufted Titmouse-2 heard only
18. White-breasted Nuthatch-2 heard only
19. Carolina Wren-2 heard only
20. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-1 heard only
21. Red-eyed Vireo-1 heard only
22. N. Parula-1 heard singing only
23. Pine Warbler-2 heard singing only
24. Prothonotary-3
25. N. Cardinal-4
26. Red-winged Blackbird-6
27. Common Grackle-7
28. Double-crested Cormorant-3
If you think I was going to put the omitted Double-crested in its proper
place and then rearrange the numbers you are sadly mistaken.

Hooray, after assiduously tending my Hummingbird feeder for three months, I
was finely rewarded with a nice male Ruby throated on Saturday morning and
he has been back briefly four times since. 

Have a great Memorial Day weekend.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC