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Morris Creek, Newberry county

An easy walk through the creekbottom this morning accompanied by Kent
Bedenbaugh found the usual summer residents and the by now expected
Prothonotary Warblers.  Among the birds found this morning in their usual

Louisiana Waterthrush (only one bird heard again today, though I had two
birds - presumably males - countersinging and fighting in the creekbottom in
late April)
Kentucky Warbler (the number is holding at three pairs in the half mile of
road I cover through the creekbottom - one of the KEWA's territory was
gutted by logging during the winter but I found a pair on the other side of
the creek today) 
Hooded Warbler (the Swainson's Warbler-imitating HOWA's territory was filled
today by a "normally" singing Hooded)
Yellow-breasted Chat
White-eyed Vireo
Yellow-throated Vireo
Northern Parulas (numbers seemed a little thin today, perhaps owing to the
disappearance of some of their favorite River Birches, lost in the winter
Prairie Warblers (moved down the road to another regenerating clear-cut as
the clear-cut nearest us continues to grow up with pine saplings now over
six feet tall)
Yellow-throated Warbler (the male who has been singing almost daily since
late March at the edge of the yard has a mate, as I saw both of them
together today)

A few minutes spent listening in the "thrush trap" turned up no late migrants.

A morning spent birding in southern Newberry county on Friday morning was a
bit different and a lot of fun.  I found myself alongside a lot of open
fields, which is different habitat for me.  Among the pleasures of the
morning were about a million singing Eastern Meadowlarks and one Grasshopper
Sparrow, perched up on the sole piece of Queen Anne's Lace in the field and
singing as though trying to rival the much larger Meadowlarks.

Donna Bailey
Winnsboro, SC
e-mail: dsbailey@conterra.com
URL: http://www.conterra.com/dsbailey
     "Where are the Birds?  Migration across South Carolina"
URL: http://www.conterra.com/dsbailey/audubon	
    "Columbia Audubon Society"