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Falco peregrinus

Hi folks;
Suzanne and I went to Devil's Courthouse on the Parkway to see the
Peregrine eyrie there. It was a fine experience, and the young could be
seen clearly through my B&L Discoverer scope set to 40X from the
overlook. A PF also flew by the overlook. Mom Falcon was also there for a
short time, and could be seen, but disappeared. The young are in the
white fuzzy stage. 
Also present on top of the rock, in clear vioation of the well posted
signs warning of possible nest failure (and a hefty fine and prison
sentence) were 3 tourists. I wished for a Park Ranger, and tried to call
Parkwatch, but my cell phone wouldn't work on that areas system. Had to
be content with getting the license numbers, for all the help that might
do..... Anybody reading this who is in law enforcement, and thinks it
might help, write me.
My blood was boiling at this, so I left before they could get back down;
I knew I might say something to them, and an altercation would erupt.
People like that always seem to think they are in the right. I didn't
feel like defending Nature verbally or perhaps physically, though I
wished to.....
Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
Asheville, NC
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