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Follow-up on our Carolina Wrens

Greetings birders:
Having reported our Carolina Wrens' success in nesting inside our workroom,
I thought you might be interested in hearing what became of them after I
"closed the door" on their inside nesting.  Not to be deterred, they (I
assume the same pair) set up shop in the garage again, not in a shoe this
time, inside the plastic casing of the garage door opener light.  Instead of
the vacuum cleaner motor, they had to contend with the garage door mechanism
and the accompanying illumination on a sporadic basis.  The second brood of
babies fledged yesterday, hanging out in the garage, pooping in my
convertible, etc.  

On another note, we were feeding the "uncountable" ducks yesterday at Duke
gardens.  Wesley, our 8 year old informed me that he had helped a duck catch
a fish.  Sure enough, I witnessed the second episode of this fascinating
behavior.  As the bread hit the water, and a fish struck the bread, an
immature merganser grabbed the fish and swam off to dine.  It must be
learned behavior for him to have come back for a repeat performance.
Wendy Painter in Chapel Hill