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Swainson's Warbler in NC Piedmont

I ran my Arcola BBS route yesterday. This route runs north up the
eastern side of Warren Co., NC. I added two new species, which is
significant, considering I have run the route, off and on, for around 30
years. I heard a singing Swainson's Warbler a few miles SW of Littleton.
The habitat is a cut-over floodplain that is rather "thicketty" now. I'm
not aware of any Swainson's reports from the n.e. corner of the
Piedmont, though they are present just east of Weldon (next county), but
that is in the Coastal Plain.

The other new bird was a Bald Eagle -- an adult on a sandbar in Lake
Gaston. I know about eagles nesting on the VA side of Kerr Reservoir,
but I wonder if eagles are nesting on Lake Gaston.  Considering the
large size of the lake, with an extensive flat upper end (where fish can
be stranded in shallow water), I would not be surprised if a nest is
present (VA side??). No eagle nesting was reported on the NC side of
either lake, as of 1999.  If anyone knows of nesting eagles on the NC
side of these lakes, please let me know (for the NC Natural Heritage
Program database). Thanks.

Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net