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Croatan Venture


We have just returned from a most enjoyable Venture to Morehead City and the
Croatan National Forest over the past weekend (1-4 June). Despite the heat
(95 degrees plus!) we had a very enjoyable and successful trip down there.
The highlights follow:
Red-cockaded Woodpecker    1 pair feeding chicks in the nest
Bachman's Sparrow    Excellent views of 2 males singing
Chuck-will's Widow    3 seen and 15+ heard
Black Rail    1 seen fairly well by one member of the group, but heard by
Clapper and Viginia Rails (Heard)
Painted Bunting    5 males (wonderful!)
Glossy Ibis    4
Seaside Sparrow    lots "singing"
Grasshopper Sparrow and Henslow's Sparrows
Eurasian Collared Dove (8+)    White-winged Dove (1)
Warblers: Prairie, Pine, Hooded, Worm-eating, Yellow-throated, Swainson's,
Black-and-white etc
and lots of other stuff!
If anyone needs any additional information on any of these birds, please
contact me.
Our next Venture is to Maine from 7-15 July, but this is full. We do have
space on our Prairies trip to the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming this coming
August 14 -26 and a summer day trip to Jones Gap, SC. Please contact the
office for further details.
Good birding,

Simon Thompson
Ventures, Inc. Birding & Natural History Tours
PO Box 1095, Skyland, NC 28776
Phone/Fax: 828.859.0382