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Heathwood Bunting Report

Went out to the Heathwood fields today and the first bird I saw was a
Green-backed Heron!!  Next were Eastern Bluebirds.  Hadn't seen a heron out
there yet.  Took me a while to get the Painted Bunting but when he showed up
he sat in the same dead tree shrub  with a Cardinal, 2 Indigo Buntings, a
Carolina Wren and a Mourning Dove.  That's a record number of species for
that particular shrub.  There's 4 out there.  Saw a couple of Blue
Grosbeaks,  Chinmey Swifts, Barn Swallows, House Finches and Cowbirds.
Another beautiful day in  Columbia!!


-- James Wilson
820 1/2 Buckingham Road
Columbia, SC 29205
Home: 803-738-2880