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A friend called today to say  mockingbirds are dive-bombing her cat and dog
every time they go in the backyard.  She tried spraying them  with water as
I suggested but that is only of temporary help.  I told her they're probably
nesting nearby and  will let up when the babies have fledged.  She isn't
that patient. Any ideas on ways to deter the mockers?

Also, I  would like directions to the Bull Creek overlook in the B-R Prkwy
to look for Cerulean Warblers.  Are there any other reliable spots?

Thanks is advance,

Ann Shahid
Charleston, SC

P.S.  Thanks so much to all of you who responded to my plea for help in
choosing new binoculars.  Each of you shed a different ray of light on the
situation, helping me make my decision.