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As Harry said, Kestrels do breed here in Western NC.  I've never given it much
thought because I see them in Henderson County all year round.  I've never
looked for a nest, because I didn't think they were unusual here.  I do
remember talking to a farmer a couple of years ago in the Mills River/Horseshoe
area of Henderson County.  I was actually asking him if he had any Barn Owls
nesting in his barn.  He said no, but he had Kestrels nesting in a box on his
barn.  As for the Barn Owls, he said he used to have Barn Owls nest when he
used silos, but he stopped using silos and doesn't have them anymore.  This is
also the same farmer who has had Bobolink in his hay fields from May to July
for the past 6 or 8 years.    Marilyn Westphal/Hendersonville  
email:  mjwestphal@unca.edu