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Blue-headed Vireo, etc.

The Titmice were scolding very loudly in the Dogwood by our screened porch 
mid-morning.  The porch is about 12 ft. above ground next to the crown of the 
Dogwood and other trees.More and more birds came to join in, couldn't see 
what they were upset about, but think it was probably a snake in the 
vegetation below.

Birds observed in the tree:  (many at very close range, ie. a few feet away)
Blue-headed Vireo- heard him scold- new yard bird
Scarlet Tanager male, could have touched him if the screen wasn't there
Hooded Warbler- finally after hearing him for so long in yard
Goldfinches- very colorful in same view with Tanager
Pine Warbler- female and a very drab immature 
Downy Woodpeckers
Carolina Wrens
Great-crested Flycatcher- great close-up view after others left
Red-eyed Vireo
Car. Chickadees
E. Phoebe

Not bad for one tree 

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC