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Horned Owls in Lumberton, NC

   For the past few days, 2 Great Horned Owls of unknown age have been seen
in the center of Lumberton, NC, about 20 minutes after sunset, flying from
the top of one pine tree to another. They call back and forth frequently,
giving a single note. It is a harsh, grating call note, somewhat similiar to
that of the Royal Tern. This past winter (until at least early February), as
in most recent winters, Horned Owls were heard in this same location, giving
their standard hooting "song."
   Nighthawks are also being seen now over the center of Lumberton about
dusk, as they have been for the past 5 summers that we have lived here.
   Jim & Marianne Clark
   Lumberton, NC