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Another Dickcissel near Pettigrew SP

For at least the third time on the Pettigrew State Park butterfly count,
we had a singing Dickcissel (June 25). This time, the bird was singing
along the east side of Western Road, midway between Cross Road and Lake
Shore Road. It was singing from saplings along a ditch passing through
wheat fields. Jeff Pippen thought he heard a second singing bird, but I
heard just the one.

Besides the Dickcissel, we had two Forster's Terns (and Laughing Gulls)
at the north shore of Lake Phelps; a Black Bear walking across a dirt
road in front of us in midday; a live Canebrake Rattlesnake slithering
across Newland Road; and a Spotted Turtle in a backyard! Not to mention
42 butterfly species of 4000+ individuals. Quite a nice day. Now I hear
that folks saw an alligator at the lake on June 5. Lots of interesting
critters in the Phelps - Pettigrew area!!

Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net