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H.B.S.P. on July 10

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Returned to SC after a family reunion in Wisconsin last week.  Good to be
back.  Paul Rogers and I visited Huntington Beach S.P., Georgetown County,
SC this morning doing the causeway at low tide and the jetty ponds, which
had only a few species.  Met some folks who had good things before we
arrived at 0810, so I'm including their stuff.  Nice sunny day but strong
winds out of the south made is tolerable on the beach and causeway. 
1. Brown Pelican-10
2. Great Blue Heron-2
3. Great Egret-3
4. Snowy Egret-11
5. Tricolored Heron-4
6. REDDISH EGRET-1 reported by others. Flyby at the causeway
7. White Ibis-10
8. Turkey Vulture-1
9. Osprey-8 including 7 kettling over the surf just south of the jetty.
Adults teaching youngsters to fish?
10. Clapper Rail-1 heard only
11. Wilson's Plover-3 2 adult males & one juvenile
12. Black-necked Stilt-2 reported by others
13. Willet-6
14. Ruddy Turnstone-3
15. Western Sandpiper-1 This peep was somewhat puzzling lacked any
noticeable droop in bill and rufous in the scapulars but did show a rusty
smudge on the auriculars noticeable only through my ancient scope,
otherwise rather dark backed and black legged, streaked breast.
16. Laughing Gull-7
17. Ring-billed Gull-9
18. Herring Gull-1
19. Gull-billed Tern-1 seen on sandbar in the inlet
20. Caspian Tern-1
21. Royal Tern->50 on the sandbar
22. Sandwich Tern-1 reported by others. Flew out of the sandbar area.
23. Common Tern-2 fair numbers of medium size terns on sandbar which could
not be ID due to distance.
24. Least Tern-about 50 many juveniles
25. BLACK TERN-1 in absolute full breeding plumage as you would expect for
your first southbound migrant
26. Black Skimmer-3 on the sandbar
27. Mourning Dove-2
28. Great Crested Flycatcher-1 heard only
29. Eastern Kingbird-1
30. Purple Martin-1 female
31. Barn Swallow-5
32. Blue Jay-1
33. Tufted Titmouse-1
34. Painted Bunting-1 one frantic male flying from perch to perch
35. Red-winged Blackbird-3
36. Boat-tailed Grackle-5

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC