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[Fwd: White Ibis]

This request was submitted to the sea turtle listserve by mistake.
Hopefully someone with Carolinabirds may be of assistance to this
Candace Williams

Andi has gone on vacation and left the Boss in charge.    I took her cell
phone & pager away so she could get a real holiday.  Now the Boss needs
help.  A juv. White Ibis, both legs broken, eyes encrusted shut.  I
splinted and taped both legs and am treating the eyes with old-fashioned
boracic acid.  Weight 476g.  I gave .05ml Baytril and tubed it with
Pediolyte.  It only took a few mil of fluid before regurgitating.  The bird
constantly probes the base of the carrier with its bill but doesn't pick
anything up.  I've tried small pieces of shrimp and smelt, moist catfood &
Kibbles & Bits, but it won't take anything.  I then emulated mother and
popped some pieces of shrimp down its gullet.  It made swallowing motions
but later brought everything up.  What can I do to get some nourishment in
to this animal?  Should I consider euthanization?  The legs may heal.  Help
and/or comments would be appreciated.

Tony Amos

Andrea Wickham-Rowe
Laboratory Research Assistant
Coordinator of Animal Rehabilitation - ARK
The University of Texas Marine Science Institute

lab: 361-749-6793
fax: 361-749-6777
pager: 361-224-0814
MSI home page: http://wwwutmsi.zo.utexas.edu/