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Mississippi Kite Nest near Newport, NC

This morning, Jack Fennell, and I checked out the spot where Susan Arrington
and Rich Boyd saw the               2 Mississippi Kites on Monday.

The kites were still there.  Within 1 minute or so, Jack, a nest finder
extraordinaire, pointed out a spot (near the tree tops) where he said a nest
was probably located, although he had never seen a kite nest.  Sure enough,
we then spotted a nest and an adult flew to it.  We then were able to see a
large young.  We saw it being fed by both adults.

Certainly a first nesting record for this county.  Question: are all
nesting/apparently nesting birds in the State now in the upper Coastal
Plain?  Are any others in the outer Coastal Plain?  If so, I'm sure that
they are not "this
outer".  (Note, I'm asking only in regard to North Carolina, not South

                                        John Fussell
                                        Morehead City, NC