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Bucksport Horry County, SC

Hi Carolinabirders,
	This morning from 0830-1215 hrs, Gary Phillips and I birded and did some
butterflying at Bucksport in Horry County, SC.  We hoped to perhaps have an
interesting bird on the "sod farm" after yesterdays heavy rain.  But one of
the locals said they only had about an inch as compared to the 11 inches at
Myrtle Beach.  Hence there were no real wet spots or sod farm birds. (Sigh)
 Nonetheless we had some variety and the butterflying was real good.

1. Little Blue Heron-1
2. Tricolored Heron-1
3. Cattle Egret-10
4. Green Heron-1 distant flyby
5. White Ibis-8
6. Mallard-1 a local tame bird which gets fed by Tonya Spires' Dad
7. Turkey Vulture-2
8. Osprey-2
9. Red-tailed Hawk-1
10. N. Bobwhite-2 heard only
11. Killdeer-2 heard only
12. Mourning Dove-2
13. Yellow-billed Cuckoo-2 heard only
14. Chimney Swift-1
15. Ruby-throated Hummingbird-4
16. Red-bellied Woodpecker-4
17. Downy Woodpecker-1 heard only
18. Pileated Woodpecker-1 heard only
19. E. Wood-Pewee-2
20. E. Kingbird-2
21. Barn Swallow-1
22. Blue Jay-3
23. Fish Crow-28
24. Carolina Chickadee-2 heard only
25. Tufted Titmouse-3
26. Carolina Wren-3 heard only
27. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-1
28. E. Bluebird-2
29. N. Mockingbird-4
30. Brown Thrasher-2
31. Pine Warbler-1 alas this bird was feeding the cowbird
32. Common Yellowthroat-1
33. Summer Tanager-2
34. N. Cardinal-7
35. Blue Grosbeak-3
36. Indigo Bunting-1 heard only
37. E. Towhee-2 heard only
38. E. Meadowlark-1
39. Common Grackle-1
40. Brown-headed Cowbird-1
41. Orchard Oriole-1 female

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC