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Caspian Tern (et al.) on Lake Norman

A solitary Caspian Tern was the sole gull/tern-type on the shoal S of
Governor's Island (nr NavMkr 5) this morning about 0900.  A dozen Killdeer -
some of them on eggs (I think -- they were "setting" on the red clay/rock
vegetationless shoal) kept the C. Tern company.

Elsewhere, at least a dozen Osprey are nestbuilding at several sites again
on the S portion of the lake.  Many seen in flight with nesting material in
talons, and several nests appear to be in "under construction" stages. (One
bird with small catfish in tow.) Late or secondary or tertiary broods?

The GBH rookery on the island nearest NavMkr D4 seems all but abandoned
after a successful breeding season.  I saw no GBHs today, and only heard one
at the island.

Other than the above, only the "usual suspects."  EXCEPT that the Barn
Swallows are in full breeding activity with many young visible in the
numerous mud nests under every bridge I encountered on the lake.  It is so
NEAT (and comical) to see 5 or 6 young lined up wing-to-wing on the rim of a
nest, and to hear the chorus of chittering that they set up when a parent
puts in an appearance.

In an unusual (for me) sight a few days back -- I witnessed a 1000-bird mass
of Purple Martins at dusk nr NavMkr D9.  The semi-great cloud of birds
wheeled and spun like a blackbird mob, settling occasionally into the tops
of three willow oaks at the point of Stutts Marina, just N of said NavMkr.

Tom "two legs at a time" Lorenzin
Davidson (Lake Norman), NC
SkyTomX@XDellNet.com or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
(remove Xs to use addresses)
small things every day
done, given in blithe spirit
warrant love's increase
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