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Re: Little Creek Imp. of Hwy 54/ plumage question

     At this same location in the late morning last Sunday there were 2 adult 
Y-C Night Herons, 3-4 juveniles, and 2 immatures that had the grayer body 
color of the adult, but no black and white pattern on head yet, but did have 
some small plumes on top of head.  Also saw 9 juv. White Ibis, but didn't see 
the 2nd year imm. White Ibis that saw 2 Saturdays ago.  Someone did see a 
"Whiter" Ibis which may have been it earlier that AM.
     These birds have brought to my attention that their  plumage sequences 
are longer than I had realized.  
     I do have a question about this:  My Nat. Geo. Guide says that Y-C Night 
Herons acquire adult plumage in their third year, but doesn't specify season. 
 Could someone tell me when they would molt in the 3rd year?  Thanks,

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC