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S T Flycatchers

Today, despite getting a late start, Sam Moore and I made the drive from 
Goldsboro to Monroe in hopes of getting a look at the flycatchers.  We waited 
around about an hour with no success, and then suddenly there they were.  We 
saw both adults and four young.  Our best looks were when they were in the 
very large Willow Oak in the cemetery, where we observed them being fed.  We 
also observed them on the tower, on various power lines all around, and in 
the China Berry tree down in the pasture.  All in all, a very worthwhile trip 
and the addition of a lifer for us.

The property owners deserve a big thank you for their hospitality, and 
someone deserves a thank you for the signs guiding us in to the right 

Mark Simpson
Goldsboro, N C