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Re: Request for help with ID

The swallows flying overhead (at Monroe S T site) usually include both
swallows and cliff swallows.   I seldom see the yellow rump on the cliff
swallows, but you can ID them by their square looking tails.  We also
see chimney swifts and there are occassional purple martins.

I'm glad you got to see the ST and the young.  Blayne and I have only
spotted 3 out of the nest but we know there were 4 in the nest.  It is
good to know all have survived.  Last night we saw 3 young ST lined up
on the same branch on a large pinoak in the cemetary.  The previous
night they were in the grove of cedar trees under the tower.

Anne Olsen
Monroe, NC

Markbsimps@aol.com wrote:

> Sorry, I forgot to include this request with my previous posting.  While
> watching for the S T Flycatchers today we were constantly distracted by a lot
> of swallows high up in the air feeding.  We couldn't see them clearly enough
> at that distance to make a positive ID.  Did any of you who have been there
> see them and ID them?  If so, we'd like to know for sure what they were.
> Mark Simpson
> Goldsboro, N C
> markbsimps@aol.com

Anne L. Olsen