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My computer went down and I list the address for the Sargents and the
bader in NC.  Could some one help this person?  Please send information
direct to her.


Dennis Forsythe
Biology Dept.
The Citadel
171 Moltrie St.
Charleston, Sc 29409


Hi Dr. Forsythe,


The above address is a school project that I am probably going to be a part 
of this school year.  I remember your telling our ornithology class about a 
couple that did hummingbird banding etc., in the Charleston area and was 
wondering if you could pass along how I might contact them. Perhaps they 
might be willing to chat with my class sometime this year about 
hummingbirds.  Any info. you could share would be important to me because 
sometimes guest speakers who have first hand knowledge and materials are 
hook that can get my students really excited about a project.  Thanks, as 
usual, for your help.  

Sandy Parker


by the way-- I've been having e-mail contact with Tom Murphy about ospreys 
and he was not really able to help me with our immediate osprey problem but 
he did take some action that I was pleased about.  He had received several 
complaints regarding the Coast Guard and some of their procedures that were 
dangerous to birds.  He has since had some meetings & training classes with 
their office in Columbia to make sure that personnel are aware of their 
responsibilities regarding wildlife. Although this may not resolve the 
problem I think it is a step that can't hurt.  In the meantime our osprey 
have relocated to a pitiful nest down the river.  We miss their activities 
but at least they did find a new site!  

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