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recent papers on shade coffee

>From: "Mark e. Johns" <johnsme@interpath.com>

>Subject: recent papers on shade coffee
>Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 22:44:03 -0400
>Organization: NCWRC
>Encoding: 23 TEXT
>These two recent papers on shade coffee and how it relates to migratory
>birds may be of interest:
>Shade Coffee: A Good Brew Even in Small Doses by Thomas Sherry, The Auk
>117(3): 563-568, 2000
>Winter Site Fidelity of Nearctic Migrants in Shade Coffee Plantations of
>Different Sizes in the Dominican Republic by Joseph Wunderle, Jr. and
>Steven Latta, The Auk 117 (3): 596-614, 2000
>Give Shade Coffee a Try!
>Mark Johns
>NC Wildlife Resources Commission
>Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program
>NC Coordinator
>Partners in Flight and Breeding Bird Survey
>PO Box 564
>Cary, NC  27512
>(919) 852-5124