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Scruffy hummer

Hi everyone,
Hope someone can answer a puzzle I have with a male hummer.  Two days ago, I 
spotted a him sitting on a twig of a small oak tree outside my bedroom 
window.  My first thought was 'poor guy is having a bad feather day.'  I 
continued to watch him and a female flew in to chase him away.  They fought; 
she flew away and he stayed.  This lasted for about 20 minutes.  I assume it 
is too late for them to mate, so what could be going on?  He is still here, 
as scruffy as ever and this a.m. I got a look at him with the binoculars and 
he really looks terrible.  Could this be early migration?  If so, how long do 
they stay in one place?  He looks so small and pitiful.  What do you think is 
going on?

Betty in Wilmington
