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S-T Flycatcher

Today 8/3/00 at 5:30 PM I saw three flycatchers fly south from the
vicinity of the cemetery to the top of the tallest pin oak at the old
house. By 5:45 I had the scope on the mother and one baby. Anne and I
watched for 10 minutes when the mother flew to another tree close by and
started making sounds to what we assumed was the other baby. The baby's
wing feathers have a white edge giving a stripped appearance. The red at
the shoulder was visible but the yellow on the sides has not started to
turn salmon. The tail feathers of the baby are almost as long as the
mother's tail feathers - body length. We did not see the male or the
third baby. I was going to take the sign down this weekend but that may
be premature.

Blayne & Anne Olsen