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Lots of Sargassum but no pelagics

Along Bogue Banks (Fort Macon SP to Emerald Isle), the beaches are covered
(almost literally) with Sargassum, which continues to come in.  Very
impressive.  Went out on one of the Atlantic Beach fishing piers this
morning for 30 minutes thinking that I might see an inshore Audubon's
Shearwater or Bridled Tern, but no.  There were several Black Terns, which
may or may not have been associated with the Sargassum patches.

There is even much Sargassum within Beaufort Inlet and the adjacent sounds.
I was in the inlet in small boat Saturday, and I felt like I was in the Gulf
Stream, because of all the Sargassum patches (Black Terns were feeding over
them).  A fisherman told me that a friend of his recently caught a small
dolphin (mahi-mahi) at Mill Creek community (Newport River estuary)!

How much Sargassum is washing in on the beaches north and south of here?

                                         John Fussell
                                         Morehead City, NC