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Re: Black Tern and other migrants possible on Bald Head?

My family is coming to spend a week on Bald Head
Island. Last year I did see a black tern mixed in with
the others on the Cape Fear Point. What are other
migrants I am likely or possibly to watch out for. We
will be there Aug.20-26.And does anyone know the best
place to bird on the island?
Thanks alot, Kate
--- Bob & Connie Shertz <shertz1@mindspring.com>
> Hello Carolinabirders!
> Bob and I are at North Topsail Beach, NC for the
> week and went for our
> daily walk to the New River Inlet despite the rain
> and drizzle.  At the
> Inlet we saw many species such as Least Terns, Ruddy
> Turnstones,
> Foster's Terns and Great Egrets along with the usual
> gulls.  Highlights
> were a Whimbrel and three pairs of Black Terns. The
> Black Terns were the
> first we have seen here.  Plan to check out the
> spoil area near the
> bridge to see if the Black Neck Stilts are still
> there (they were still
> there two weeks ago), but right now the water level
> is very high due all
> the rain.
> Happy Birding!
> Connie & Bob Shertz
> N. Topsail Beach, NC
> shertz1@mindspring.com

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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