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Diff. Yard Birds

Hi everyone,
     For more than a week now there has been a male Blue Grosbeak eating 
millet on the ground under my feeders.  Have seen him periodically each day.  
     This past Sat., just before dark along the woods edge, not too high up 
in the trees that border our meadow, I heard @ 3-4 Great-crested Flycatchers 
calling to eachother.  Have only heard them singly prior to this.  Not sure 
if this was a family gathering or a group migrating through.

     Lastly, last Fri. at 12:30 AM, heard a Screech Owl in the trees very 
close to the house.  Would do a descending whinny, and an even-pitched 
whinny, 3-4 times, then would end the last call/whinny with an upslurred 
clear note.  Called for 5 minutes or so.
      Haven't heard too many Screech Owls, but this was the first time I've 
heard this upslurred note at the end.

Shelley Theye

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC