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golden-winged warbler in w-s


Needless to say, I am very happy that this morning the thickets at
Reynolda Gardens hosted a beautiful male Golden-winged Warbler. Probably
this chilly morning would have been really productive if only I could
stay longer. Practically birds did not move before 7:30AM, until the sun
started to shine on the trees. The Golden-winged was the second warbler
I saw after the usual Hooded Warbler, which seems to be a resident there
(He is singing at dawn, and has a tiny yellow spot in the hood, so I am
sure that I see the same bird over and over). The Golden-winged put on a
good show on a tree, briefly joined by an adult Canada Warbler. After
the Golden-winged was gone, I had to rush to work, and I guess the next
couple days I have to focus on getting in on time, unfortunately.
(Yesterday warblers at Reynolda were an imm. Canada, and an imm.
Magnolia Warbler, in addition to the male Hooded.)

However, yesterday evening I got a good deal of warblers, after 7:00 PM,
at Archie Elledge sewage facility, where I chcked the shorebirds
(Semipalmated 1, Least 4, Pectoral 1, Solitary 2, Spotted 1 Sandpipers
were present + Killdeer.). They are pumping sewage onto the good
habitat, so I don't know how much longer the birds will stay there. On
the top of the hill near the gravel road, in a small patch of trees and
bushes I found a good flock of warblers and gnatcathcers. I was losing
light rapidly, but still could ID 2 Blackburnian Warblers (imm.), 1
Yellow Warbler and 1 Worm-eating Warbler, plus 3-4 Blue-Gray
Gnatcatchers. There was also a Pewee, Indigo Buntings, and a nice Blue
Grosbeak present ( I am never tired of watching a male Blue Grosbeak).

This time I will not forget the signature...

good birding


Ferenc Domoki
Wake Forest University Sch. of  Med.