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Migrants at the SRS, Southern SC.

Hi folks,

This morning at the Savannah R. Site (Aiken/Barnwell counties, SC) I had 
several migrants in mixed species foraging flocks. One was quite the 
respectable bird; a Plumbeous Vireo. I had long, close looks at this bird as 
it responded to my screech owl whistle (something I only do when I know 
there's something I need better looks at). The crown and back had only a 
slight contrast in olive shade while the white specs, strong pale tips to 
the coverts and dark eye kept it in this group. As a descriptor, I would not 
say that this bird was "blue headed" by any means. The flanks had smudges of 
olive/gray instead of yellow as well. I probably saw this bird 3 times for a 
total of 5 minutes.

Also today on the SRS I had 2 young Purple Gallinule and a Willow/Alder type 

There were many more adult individuals of breeding species than there have 
been in the last month, making me think that there are migrants among the 
post-breeding individuals (Y-b Cucoo, Yellow-throated, Kentucky, 
Yellowthroat, Pine Warbler, Gnatcatcher, Parula etc.). Few G-c Flycatchers 
and NO kites seen on site for over a week.

Paul Champlin
Aiken, SC
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