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Cahow, White-faced, Heralds; Space on Sept. 2, 3, 4 Pelagics

Dear Carolinabirders,

Our recent pelagic trips from the Outer Banks have been very successful.
Although we didn't see any White-faced Storm-Petrels last weekend, we
had a fantastic encounter with one the previous weekend on Day One of
our two day WFSP set. Last weekend's conditions weren't very conducive
to finding a White-faced between the weather and the distance of the
best Gulf Stream eddies. The Gulf Stream Current was a good producer
though, and we went there on August 19 and saw two Herald Petrels (one
light, one dark) and one Bermuda Petrel or Cahow (our fourth this
season). We worked the edge of the Gulf Stream on August 21 and had
three more Heralds (one light, two darks) at point blank range by 10AM
and a Masked Booby right over the boat minutes before we left the warm
water that afternoon. Our trip to cooler water on August 21 did not find
any White-faced Storm-Petrels but we did have  over 1500 Cory's and
Greater Shearwaters, at least three Manx Shearwaters, 25+ Pomarine
Jaegers, and 2 or more South Polar Skuas. Over three days we saw 17
species of pelagic birds, which is excellent for any season in the
western North Atlantic. I hope to post the full list to our website
soon, but I'm too pressed for time this week to do it.

Our next trips from Manteo on the Country Girl are on Spt 2, 3, and 4.
Sept. 2 and 3 are a two day set (two consecutive day trips) to look for
White-faced. If we see one on Sept. 2, then we may go to the Gulf Stream
on Sept. 3. Sept. 4 (Monday) is a regular Gulf Stream trip. Space is
available on all three days. If the Two Day Set of Sept. 2 and 3 doesn't
fill, then space may be available for purchase on either Saturday or

More details about these trips can be found at our website-
You may also call me at (252) 986-1363. I am best reached during the
evening between 7 and 9 PM.


Brian Patteson
Hatteras, NC