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Pea/Bodie Migrants

	North winds with clear skies sent me to Pea Island this a.m. to look for
migrants. Also stopped at Bodie Island woods. Even though conditions weren't
perfect, there were a few birds to be found. Here are the highlights:
	Bobolink - dozens
	Baltimore Oriole - dozens
	E.Kingbird - dozens
	A. Redstart - over a hundred, mostly in Bodie woods
	Black & White Warbler - dozens
	Prairie Warbler - several
	Golden-winged Warbler - one male at old coast guard station
	Chestnut-sided Warbler - one in the Bodie woods
	Black-throated Blue - one female
	Yellow Warbler - only one or two
	Blue Grosbeak - one
	Biting (deer) flies - thousands!

	Sure hope some of you out there will be coming down this fall to share in
the periodic fall-outs at Pea Island. Keep an eye on the weather channel,
looking for those northwest winds!

	Jeff Lewis
	Manteo, NC