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id help on vireo sized bird

This is a long shot but perhaps someone will recognize this bird from this
description.  It was a distinctive song.

Heard the bird first.  Did not recognize the song as one I'd heard before
(from a bird or a tape).  Bird looked like a vireo in shape and was of that
size. My husband and I have listened to vireo, warbler, and flycatcher songs
on the cds and nothing seems familiar.  So perhaps this is a song that is
not sung very often.  I'll try and find the bird again later today and tape

Markings : underneath uniform white /very light gray color.  Small
yellowish/green patch on flanks.  Two distinct white wing bars.  Not sure of
upperpart color but darker than underneath. Thin pointed bill.  No eye ring
or eyebrow line or eyeline visible in view I had. Face appeared uniform
shade, except for possibility of some marking at the lores.  Did not see eye

Location : small swamp with deciduous trees on each side.  Thick vegetation
low over water and trees growing out.  Bird usually near top of trees 15 -
20' high. This is on the edge of the Sandhills.  Lots of pine trees around.
Common Yellowthroat spent the summer in this area.

Song : 3 short phrases.  The first two were similar and of distinct notes.
The third was a buzz.  No trills.  Song repeated consistently.  Opened its
mouth very wide to sing.  Sang for a minute or so from a perch, then moved
10 feet or so to another perch and sang from there.  Watched it move through
5 perches before it was lost in the vegetation and silent.

Sue Pulsipher
Linden, NC