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Wakodahathie Wetlands

I would second Josh's comments on the Wakodahatchie Wetlands.  It's
probably the best place we've ever visited for marsh birds.  American
and Least Bitterns and Soras are frequently within camera range.  The
water treatment authority has provided a great place for birders, and
local people who just enjoy the boardwalks.  As I recall, the entrance
is on Jog Road.  This is a north-south road a few blocks east of the
Florida Turnpike.

Black Rails!  We stood on an undeveloped cul-de-sac overlooking a salt
marsh on the bay side of Long Beach Island in New Jersey.  It was early
evening and the light was good.  A Black Rail was calling in the short
Eel Grass below us and no more than 30 feet away.  We strained our eyes
and listened.  We could detect no movement, and after several minutes
the call faded off into the deeper grass of the salt marsh.


Charles R. (Dick) Burk
Pinehurst, NC