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Scotland neck sod birds

September 4, noon, deliberately visiting between storms:   birds seen by RJD 
apparently still at Winslow Sod Farm---
7 Golden Plover, 1 White-rump, 6 Least, 4 Semipalmated Sandpipers, 7 
Pectoral Sandpiper, 75 Killdeer (+ 15 at new se. section).  Perhaps cold 
weather to arrive tonight will move these out.  50 Canada Geese (local).
Also seen:  1 odd open-country sparrow perched momentarily on irrigation at 
southwest end of old section (no white seen in tail, and tail too long for 
Savannah--but seemed most like a Vesper), and then flew strongly out to top 
of tall tree far away.

Frank Enders, Halifax NC.  fkenders@hotmail.com

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