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Bucksport Sod Farm on 9-4

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, the rain halted by noon, so Gary Phillips and I toured the
Bucksport Sod Farm.  The sod farm is located off of route 701 about 12
miles south of Conway in Horry County, SC. The hedgerows were largely
unproductive (except for butterflys)but there were some shorebirds in a wet
spot east of the hedgerow extending from the elbow of Weaver Road.  This is
a new sod area only 2 years old. It was a soybean field two years ago. 25
species were found.

Little Blue Heron-1 adult
Osprey-2 together overhead, probably an adult and a juvenile
Greater Yellowlegs-1
Least Sandpiper-7 bright juveniles
Pectoral Sandpiper-6 bright juveniles
STILT SANDPIPER-1 nicely plumaged juvenile. Long legged and long & thick
necked sandpiper, distinct crisp white supercilium, well defined brown and
black streaked crown, dark sandpiper like bill with just a hint of a droop
at the tip.  Brown striations on side of neck and shoulder of bird, lightly
streaked breast and white belly,  upperparts a dark brown. I could not
determine the color of the legs as the light was rather poor on this gloomy
day. It looked just like the juvenile in the 2nd edition of the Nat. Geo.
Guide except all of the upperparts looked browner than in the field guide.
Common Snipe-2
Mourning Dove-7
Chimney Swift-1 heard only
Ruby-throated Hummingbird-10 including a few nectoring on rotting
pears-lots of butterflys on these too.
Red-bellied Woodpecker-1 heard only
Great Crested Flycatcher-1
Barn Swallow-8
Carolina Chickadee-1 heard only
Carolina Wren-5
Blue-gray gnatcatcher-1
E. Bluebird-4
N. Mockingbird-2
White-eyed Vireo-2 at least one was an adult
Red-eyed Vireo-5
Prairie Warbler-2 one was an immature female
N. Cardinal-8
E. Meadowlark-1
Common Grackle-7

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC