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Re: Wetlands, Black Rails

Hi Carolinabirders,

  Talking about Black Rails inland in the Carolinas brings back some fond

  In July 1979 I discovered one in the Farrington marshes on what was then
the Jordan Reservoir clear-cut, south of Chapel Hill.  The land had been
clear cut a few years earlier in preparation for Jordan Lake, and had filled
a bit with rain water.  (The Jordan dam was not closed yet.)  The Farrington
area had developed into a lovely marsh.  Allen Bryan and two others (sorry,
I forget who) came with me the next evening and we flushed one again. The
previous evening I had gone there for some other reason and was astounded to
hear one calling repeatedly, with no prompting from me (or anyone else; I
was alone.)  One evening a year later I came near sunset, played the Black
Rail tape for maybe ten minutes, and had no response at all -- so I thought.
As I turned to go elsewhere, one flushed from virtually under my foot.
Evidently it had walked up right next to me and I never heard a thing.

  So, two lessons: is there such a habitat in the Carolinas now anywhere?
And, these guys can be really secretive.

Bob Lewis
Sleepy Hollow NY