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Fall Migration

I have just finished a somewhat tortuous 4-day hike (1-4 September) on the
Appalachian Trail across the Smoky Mountains National Park in the rain and
fog, expecting to see very few birds. We began at Fontana Dam and climbed to
over 6,000 feet at Clingman's Dome. There was actually a lot of fall
migration going on, particularly at the higher elevations. The weather
conditions prohibited specific id of many of the birds, and we were just to
listen to their contact notes as they flew over in the fog.
Highlights included the following, listed in descending order of abundance.
Tennesee Warbler (many)
Black-throated Blue Warbler & Black-throated Green Warbler
Magnolia Warbler (8)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (6)
Blackburnian Warbler (4)
Worm-eating Warbler & Yellow-throated warbler (2)
Bay-breasted Warbler (1) & Blackpoll Warbler (1)
Also a fair number of migrant thushes were heard coming in on the morning of
3 September.
Also such regulars as Ruffed Grouse, Barred Owl, Veery, Wild Boar and Black
Bear! etc etc.

Talking of Fall migration, there is still space on the following Ventures
planned this fall. Please contact the Office for further details.
Landsford Canal    September 18
Jackson Park (Fall Warbler Workshop)    September 27
Kennesaw mountain, GA    September 22-24
Caesar's Head    October 7

Simon Thompson
Ventures, Inc. Birding & Natural History Tours
PO Box 1095, Skyland, NC 28776
Phone/Fax: 828.859.0382