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Am. Golden Plover near Asheville

At the sod farm on Hooper Lane near the Asheville airport today, I found
two American Golden Plover in the plowed field to the right of the sod farm
sign.  The birds were all but motionless and could easily have passed for
just another dirt clod. They showed some black on the bellies and golden
flecks in the wings.

Also seen at the sod farm today:  50-100 killdeer; 3 imm. Semi-palmated
Plovers, a fly-over Peregrine Falcon, 2 Am. Kestrels, and 2 probable Upland
Sandpipers (seen briefly and poorly), plus some fly-over shorebirds beyond
my competency.

Back in north Asheville at our house, Esther and I spotted our first
Tennessee Warbler of the season, along with Blackburnian & Chestnut-sided
warblers, Am. Redstart, and Yellow-throated Vireo.

cheers,  Len Pardue, Asheville NC