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Re: washed-out ponds as otential Black Rail habitat

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Frank Enders wrote:
> I guess I am trying to get people to try to elicit resonses from Black Rails 
> in inland areas.  No danger, I think, of overuse of tapes, until such a rail 
> is located.
> Help and suggestions welcome.

Gee, I have a thought: has anyone tried playing rail tapes around 
Greenview pond? There was a pretty sizeable grassy marsh just upstream 
from the pond there, frequently occupied by Common Snipe and other 
shorebirds. They've supposedly drained Greenview for "improvements", not 
sure of the impact on the habitat there, whether it's better or worse now 
from a rail's point of view. John Argentati, you have any rail tapes 


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
