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Reynolda Gardens 7:15-8:20 this morning

Dear Carolinabirders,

After so much bad weather, this morning was especially nice, cool, crisp, and
I started out at the Beaver Pond on Reynolda Rd. That was the fourth dawn I
tried the otters there - got lucky this morning.
There were 4 Otters doing pretty much everything otters can offer, catching
fish, eating them on the back, climbing up on fallen trunks, one even climbed
up to the boardwalk 20 feet from me. The beavers were also out, one was
munching on some leaves in the open. As the sun started to shine I headed back
to Reynolda Gardens to check my usual spots at the thickets and warbler lane.

Here is the list

Magnolia Warbler 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler 3
Blackburnian Warbler 1
Canada Warbler 1
American Redstart 3
Red-eyed Vireo 6+
Yellow-throated Vireo 1 male singing (my first in W-S)
Baltimore Oriole 1
Scarlet Tanager 4 + 1 unknown tanager
Cedar Waxwing 3
Eastern Bluebirds family group.
Empidonax flycatchers 2 (that is the best I can say, on one of them I got good
looks, big, flat headed, big-billed (lower mandibule orange-yellow with dusky
tip) dull upperparts, greyish underparts, not a hint of yellow, very thin
eyering, I would say Willow/Alder Flycatcher maybe?)

and all the usual suspects (towhees, cardinals, timice, thrasher, catbirds,
mockingbirds, carolina wrens)

In the past 10 days there were very few migrants, a Veery and a small group of
Baltimore Orioles are worth mentioning. I keep searching for my life Tennesse
warbler, so if you see them, please let me know.

so long


Ferenc Domoki M.D.
Wake Forest U.

JMartin978@aol.com wrote:

> Ferenc--Royce saw a large mixed flock of warblers this morning at Reynolda
> after 8:00 at the bottom of our trail.  I plan to go tomorrow--can you join
> me?