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Re: Veery? in the Triangle

     I've been hearing Wood Thrushes calling for the past few AMs and PMs, 
and today saw one behind the house.  Also heard a call note from what I 
immediately thought was a Veery this afternoon, then the longer I thought 
about it I began to wonder if I could have been confusing it with a Flicker 
call note.  So got out my tape and listened to both and decided on Veery.  
Did see the back of a bird yesterday for an instant, that I thought might 
have been a Veery.

In a message dated 9/14/00 4:04:46 PM, Ginger@athena.dev.unc.edu writes:

<< This morning at about 7:15 I heard what sounded like a Veery calling in the
woods near my porch. The loud, emphatic call came from about 30 to 40 feet
away. The bird also did a little quiet miscellaneous chatter between a
couple of the loud "VEEERRR" calls. After about 2 to 3 minutes, the bird
went deeper in the woods and quit calling. This would be a new yard bird if
it really was a Veery. Sure sounded like it. Checklist shows it as possible

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC