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House Sparrows, White Wings, Eu. Collared's

Hi folks;
Read Josh's report about Collared Doves, and wondered if we could 
to see them in Buncombe county some day? Also, are White Wings moving
this way, or is it too cold? I did a mini research project while in
graduate school on House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and House Finch
Carpodacus mexicanus). Seems the House Finch is outcompeting the House
Sparrow in many locales. My research project showed HoFi's to be much
more agressive at feeders than HoSp's, and my pure research (of
published data) seemed to show the HoFi outcompeting them in nesting, 
they seem to use similar nest sites. Much af my data was taken from the
Chat, and the publications of the Audubon Society. As my "research" was
done a millennium ago (1986), you will need to go back 20 or more years
in the publications. It might be instructive to look around at places
which have few or no House Sparrows and see if there are House Finches.
Remember that many new finds, range expansions, behavioral traits, and
other data are discovered by "amateur" (that is, I guess, folks without
PhD's) birders. So, enjoy birding! Alex Netherton The Appalachian
Naturalist danetherton@msn.com http://www.appalachian-naturalist.com

Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist