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what a weekend!

	The birding on the outer banks was super this weekend! I had 19 species of
warblers and plenty of other stuff besides!
	Tennessee Warbler		1
	Nashville Warbler		4
	Northern Parula		9+
	Yellow Warbler		1
	Chestnut-sided Warbler	4!
	Magnolia Warbler		28+
	Cape May Warbler		2
	Black-throated Blue	12
	Black- throated Green	2
	Pine Warbler		9+
	Prairie Warbler		7
	Palm Warbler		1
	Bay-breasted		1
	Black-and-white Warbler	25
	American Redstart		100+
	Ovenbird			5
	Common Yellowthroat	25-30
	Hooded Warbler		1
	Wilson's Warbler		3 (all 3 were together)

	Philadelphia Vireo	1
	Rose-breasted Grosbeak	2
	Clay-colored Sparrow	1
	Empidonax, sp		1
	Cuckoo, sp			1
	Baltimore Oriole		95+
	Bobolink			16
	Merlin			3+
	Purple Martin		1
	House Wren (migrants)	10
	E. Wood Pewee		3
	Red-headed Woodpecker	1
	Veery				4

	A lot of these birds were seen at Pea Island, just as many or more were
seen on Roanoke Island, and some were on Bodie Island.
A lot of birds are still around this morning (in the Elizabethan Gardens)in
case anyone is headed this way.
		Good birding!
			Jeff Lewis
			Manteo, NC