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greatblues, blue jays, obx

This weekend I was out on the coast and
visited Pea Island - a nice assortment
but not incredibly impressive:

Restarts, yellowthroat, prairie warbler,
bay-breasted warbler, little blue herons
and marbled godwits in numbers, and 5
forster's terns (among other terns). 

With regard to great blue herons soaring,
I witnessed 3 riding a thermal one afternoon
in mid-May near Point Pelee, Ontario. They
probably climbed to a couple thousand feet
before heading toward the point.

As for the question about Blue Jays mimicing
Ivory-billed Wdpkr calls, some birds that
participate in interspecific flocks (i.e. flocks
with more than one species) will at times
make calls that are similar to those of
other species they often flock with. Maybe
this is a factor?


Jason Sircely