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Wilson's Warbler in Raleigh

Had a male Wilson's Warbler around 10:30 this morning in a large warbler
flock on the Crabtree Creek Buckeye Trail, about 50 yards before the 1/2
mile marker, after you pass those 2 sections of wood railing which are there
for no obvious reason. When I passed back through the area around noon this
flock seemed to have moved on, but the trail is very birdy these days and
excellent for all the usual suspects, so definitely worth a look anyway.
Chestnut-sided, Magnolia and B&W were the predominant warbler species today,
along with several Scarlet Tanagers and a couple of R-b Grosbeaks and
Swainson's Thrushes farther down the trail. Had Canada and Blackburnian in
the same area last Thursday.

Dan Kaplan