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Birds on golf course.

Comments on Kate Finlayson's posting. Some golf courses are pretty good
places to bird if you can get permission to walk them without playing
golf.  I think we should take note of the fact that the TV producers
chose to improve their image of an otherwise drab presentation by
inserting a birdsong or two.  Now let us suggest that there might be many
more  viewers "that like birds" and might take notice,  especially if the
songs fitted the local.  So someone might whisper in the ear of the
producers that not all is bad and that they could put a knowledgable
birder on their staff and present a few interesting facts about birds
during those breaks in play.
	Several years ago our Audubon Society received in the mail a
presentation from a New York company for a program they were proposing
for golf courses.  The essence was that they would like to provide a plan
for creating mini habitats for birds and other creatures in the
off-fairway areas, and that all facets of golf course operations would be
reviewed as to the use of insecticides, herbicides, water applications,
etc. The improvement of habitat and environment would be the end result.	
	There were some major questions and reservations by our board of
directors, one of which was that the promoters used the name "Audubon" in
their name and implicated an association with the Audubon Society.  We
were also not clear how we as an Audubon chapter would fit into their
proposal other than to endorse a commercial venture.  It always seemed to
me that there were some ideas presented that if directed correctly would
have benefited both golf and birding
	Myrtle Beach has well over 100 golf courses, most of them on cleared
wetlands. A great many of the birds and animals have gone.  What can I

Ernest Snavely        Loris, SC 29569      843 756  4824

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