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A few of us did a Fall NAMC last Saturday in Henderson County.  A total of 89
species were found including 20 species of warbler.  Results were as follows:
(sorry if the alignments come out wierd.  I'm copying it from an excel file).
By the way in case you don't know, Henderson County is in the southern NC

species		number
Pied-billed Grebe		2
D.C. Cormorant		1
Great Blue Heron		8
Great Egret		4
Green Heron		4
Canada Goose		120
Wood Duck		8
Mallard		1
Duck (sp)		10 (probable BW Teal)
Turkey Vulture		18
Coopers Hawk		1
Red-shouldered Hawk		1
Red-tailed Hawk		3
Northern Harrier		2
American Kestrel		6
Northern Bobwhite		14
American Coot		1
A. Golden Plover		1
Killdeer		157
Least Sandpiper		2
Pectoral Sandpiper		1
Buff-breasted Sandpiper		5
Rock Dove		55
Mourning Dove		60
Barn Owl		2
Chimney Swift		2
Ruby-throated Hummingbird		10
Belted Kingfisher		1
Red-bellied Woodpecker		7
Downy Woodpecker		5
Hairy Woodpecker		3
Northern Flicker		13
Pileated Woodpecker		2
Eastern Wood Pewee		6
Eastern Phoebe		5
Eastern Kingbird		1
Blue Jay		63
American Crow		191
Carolina Chickadee		34
Tufted Titmouse		31
White-breasted Nuthatch		4
Carolina Wren		26
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher		3
Eastern Bluebird		28
Swainsons Thrush		1
Wood Thrush		2
American Robin		130
Gray Catbird		21
Northern Mockingbird		15
Brown Thrasher		8
Cedar Waxwing		13
European Starling		118
White-eyed Vireo		3
Yellow-throated Vireo		2
Red-eyed Vireo		1
Blue-winged Warbler		1
Golden-winged Warbler		2
Tennessee Warbler		38
Nashville Warbler		1
Northern Parula		3
Chestnut-sided Warbler		32
Magnolia Warbler		30
Black-throated Green Warbler		5
Blackburnian Warbler		1
Prairie Warbler		1
Palm Warbler		12
Bay-breasted Warbler		2
Black and White Warbler		4
American Redstart		39
Ovenbird		2
Northern Waterthrush		4
Kentucky Warbler		1
Common Yellowthroat		4
Hooded Warbler		2
Canada Warbler		2
Scarlet Tanager		3
Northern Cardinal		27
Rose-breasted Grosbeak		5
Blue Grosbeak		2
Indigo Bunting		28
Eastern Towhee		20
Field Sparrow		5
Savannah Sparrow		5
Song Sparrow		28
Eastern Meadowlark		7
Common Grackle		1
Baltimore Oriole		1
House Finch		8
American Goldfinch		85
House Sparrow		5

Of course there were also those confusing fall warblers who couldn't sit still
long enough to get good enough field marks for positive id.  
-Great Egrets have been hanging around this area for an unprecedented four
months now.
-Also had a flock of Bobolink and a quite uncommon (for this area) Sedge Wren
the following day.
-For those who are interested, I understand that a couple of Philadelphia
Vireos were seen at Jackson Park yesterday.
Marilyn Westphal/Hendersonville, NC  email:  mjwestphal@unca.edu