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Orange and Granville county birds today


I walked around my yard this am to find it pretty quiet, so I walked up the
driveway and found some goodies, Eastern Pheobe, American Redstart, 2 Black
and White Warblers and 3 Chestnut-sided Warblers! Certainly the most
Chestnut-sided Warblers I`d seen in these parts together!

I had such a great time and the skies turned blue so I went over to Will
Suitt rd at Falls lake in search of a special dragonfly and to bird a
little. Birding was fairly good for mid morning I had Eastern Pheobe,
Eastern  Peewee, "Great Crested Flycatcher"(someone imatating the call over
and over again I think it was a crow),Yellow-throated Vireo, 2 Black and
White Warblers, 25 Pine Warbler, 2 Tennessee Warbler, 3 Common Yellowthroat,
heard a large Grackle/Red-winged Blackbird flock but never saw a one, 2
Scarlet Tanagers, 3 House Finches and a thrush species. I`m sure I`d seen
more but I was photographing wildflowers, mainly Narrow-leafed Sunflower,
Heliantus angustifolius which is just stunning this time of year! The
Narrow-leafed Sunflower alone makes it worth the walk.  After I stepped both
feet into a foot of lake muck my feet were soggy and I didn`t take as much
time on the way back to look in the trees.

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC